Peri Conner Announced as candidate for Harraby north

Peri is a stay-at-home Mum and proud parent of two children. As a social worker, Peri worked in Adult Social Care and Children’s Services. She has the skills and dedication to scrutinise the council, making sure our area gets its fair share, and that residents’ concerns are heard.

Peri says: “I went into social work because I wanted to help people. I still feel the same, but now I know it’s the systems that needs to change.

There are so many issues in Carlisle and its surrounding district, including buses that don’t turn up, inadequate access to NHS dentists and massive waiting lists at the hospital. We need actual change, and I will fight for us all.

Peri says: “I have previously voted Labour, and for Cyril Weber in Harraby North. Voting for him was easy. I felt he was a hard-working councillor who cared for his community. However, I cannot continue my support for Labour under Keir Starmer, and what he has done to the Party. He has utterly failed to oppose the Conservatives and their destructive policies.
This by-election won’t change who runs the council, but giving me your vote will put a Green in the room and send a powerful message that people want a real alternative.”

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